Friday, February 23, 2007

The Oscars are this weekend, and I still hate celebrities

All of them. I hate them all.

It is no secret that in today's society being famous requires only a pulse. And in the case of Anna Nicole Smith, that isn't even a necessity. In fact, she is probably more famous for dying than for anything she ever 'accomplished' in life. But I digress, I will not do the growing 'celeb' community the favor of actually writing about their utterly meaningless existence in detail. I simply wish to explain why I loath them all so much.

Last night I saw a short clip of a new show on VH1 called "Shooting Sizemore." I don't know if you people know this, but this actor Tom Sizemore (who was actually pretty good in Saving Private Ryan and Heat) , dated Heidi Fliess and has smoked crack rock for most of his career. He is broke, his hair is falling out and he is doing a reality show to make money.

The point here is that celebrities can now make money off of being degenerate drug addicts (I believe Danny Bonaduce did the same thing). Does anyone else see a problem with this?? This is something that is, in general pretty reprehensible and anti-social. To profit from this seems, I don't know...pathetic? Disgusting? Iditotic? I am at a loss.

Then there are the "real" celebs. The big earners. Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman. People who have real talent and big time box office draw. I hate them as well. I hate these people because of their overinflated sense of self importance. Goddamn they are smug! I mean who rents out an African country just so they can have a baby there!?! Not to mention, almost all of these people are complete morons who confuse celebrity status with political knowledge (read: Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Angelina Jolie, Brat Pitt, any character represented in the Film Actors Guild in the movie Team America: World Police). Just stick with the acting OK? Jesus H. Tittyfucking Christ.

Worse than Sizemore or "big" celebrities like Brad Pitt, Julia or Clooney, (who at least are talented actors) are no talents who just want to get noticed. Any reality show contestant who got 'kicked off the island' and finagled a soap opera cameo or Oprah appearance falls into this category. Ian Bernardo, a person with no discernible ability at anything and who is obnoxious to the point where it actually oozes from his pores, is the most obvious example of this. This guy was on American Idol for about 15 seconds. Yet, he seems to think that his NY accent, flamboyant homosexuality, JAPiness and skeletal look make him good celebrity material. Its as if he has somehow become intoxicated by the stink of his obnoxiousness. Be back in 5, I have to go vomit to punish myself for burning energy thinking and writing about this waste of space.

I feel much better now, thanks for bearing with me.

Now, I am brought to the absolute worst of the worst of the celebrity scum pile. This is the so called 'media element.' Included in this category is anyone who runs a gossip report, celebrity mag/blog/website and the TV show Entertainment tonight (which BTW had a total coke head for a host). Its not that they make a living out of stalking and harassing people. Its not even that they are amoral douche bags who couldn't get respectable jobs in journalism. You know what bothers me the most about these people? Its that they are basically just as self important as the assholes they follow around, but bring even less to the table and to society. Basically all they care about is being close to rich spoiled smug fools. I mean they get off on associating with celebrities.

I seriously can't think of anything worse than someone who spends all of thier time trying to get close to rich morons.

Until next time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You left out one prominent group of people. These people are perhaps, worse than the bloggers and columnists. They are, well, everyone who follows celebrities. They are the support structure for the grotesque and sickening network of celebrities. They feed the perverted self-righteousness of giant douche celebrities.

9:33 PM  

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