Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sidewalk Skiing

Ok, this I have never seen before. This morning, on the way to the mindless void that is daily employment, I saw a woman (I think it was a woman) who was so grossly obese that she was carrying a SKI POLE around to help with walking.

I'm not joking, it was an actual ski pole. Where the point ususally is, there was a rubber stopper instead. I'm guessing that this person was actually one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.

I've seen scooters, walkers, canes, segways and all other manner of transportation aid, but a ski pole! What in the name of the gods is wrong with this country? What the hell is a ski pole going to do for your walking ability?

I mean what possible justification could one use for carrying this thing around?

"Yeah, I tried a cane. But I kept getting the crook caught on city busses. And forget about a walker, do I look like an invalid to you?"

In a word, "YES." Not only do you look like an invalid, but you also look like a moron.

Oh and I'm not sorry about you being morbidly overweight. KYS.


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